Communal Contracts


The need for communal living resides deep within the bone. Societies form together for survival, protection, friendship and a host of other reasons.

Continuing societies form a type of social communal contract to exist together. At one point or another, this contract breaks down and the society ceases to exist. Some societies disband, some are wiped out. Over the past thousands of years we can see societies that have come and gone.

We are now entering the global community through social media. For good or bad. With the advent of Russian interference, we can see how a little bit of fakery can spin things out of control. Some groups become even more polarized based on false indignation.

Perhaps the new Paris Agreement for climate change might help create a new global contract. The US shall likely have to come into to the fold after a while. Otherwise it will be left behind in the old economy while other countries proceed more towards a futuristic direction.

Pulling together as global society must become our new vision forward for a new communal contract.




